Friday, September 18, 2009

August 09

Well August was crazy for me. My mom had left to Mexico for a month so this means that i had to do a lot more. I had tons of things to do. I took a couple of days off because i needed to go to school and well i wanted some time off. During all this month i hang out with Lili a lot just playing catch up having some drinks and well just talking like always about new things. I also hang out a couple of days with my friend Freddie, we played playstation, watch listen to music, had a couple of drinks and well talk. Lili and I spent a day at Cal State LA because i needed to turn in my paper work. I actually miss going to school with her and having lunch and all that fun stuff we used to do. They both are two of my favorite people to hang out beside a few others.

It was Carlitos Birthday on August 6 yay! we hang out at night, like always had one of our crazy nights of exploring the world.

On Friday August 14 it was Daniels' Birthday, we celebrated at the Mayan. Even if not everyone went the few that did had tons of fun dancing, drinking and taking pictures.

August 15 My Nina from Bakersfield came over and we went to the Nayarit Festival to visit his brother. So we woke up early and made some breakfast yummy so we headed over to the festival. IT was super hot that day i was wearing shorts. Once we arrived i immediately started to shop for bracelets and necklace like i always do. So this festival is from were my dad is from Nayarit so i know some stuff but i thought it was going to be interesting. So we got hungry pretty quick and decided to go towards the food stand. There was food everywhere wow..... i didn't know what to eat.. We sat down to watch a presentation of dances and i got super burn grr. around 4 we were done we left home and got ready for a Crystal presentation we had with one of our neighbors house, and I bought a couple of things how exciting.


So i was excited to Bartend for Tati's family Party. This is my second annual birthday party that i have bartend and well was looking forward seeing similar faces. In preparation I had to go to Bevmo's for some of my supplies. Awesome store just incase you didn't know. I picked up Lili on friday August 21 and took off with Wendy, angel, Lili and I to our awesome adventurous of Bevmo's shopping. It was a night of laughter, I scared with a little star wars character Lili and Wendy it was hilarious I couldn't stop laughing since i was playing with the little soldier in the back seat as a lover boy. I was going crazy in Bevmo's they surely have everything ALCOHOL Heaven. After our shopping we were starving. We decided to go to have dinner. So Saturday came along and well i started to get ready around 2:30 since i had to leave around 4. Tati picked me up and we headed over to the party, but first i was starving so we had to pass by MC Donald. I had the longest without having MC Donald. after two hours i remember why i had a while without eating it, it was because it gives me stomach. anyways the party started and between Wendy and I were bartending. I got everyone drunk, Even my sister Wendy. I met a couple of new guy friends which were cool and thought i was awesome. For the most part the bartending was great.


August 22 it was Mimi's bachelor ed. I felt weird at first since i didn't know most of the girls. we Started the night with food yay!!! of course we couldn't start a crazy night with our stomach empty so we ate. We continue with a couple of games to see how well we knew the bride and the couple. we played pint the macho on the guy that was exciting i got the Rocket Buster!! hehehe and well i was closed. Wendy got the huevos con weenie heheh. we continue the games of kissing the hunk and well passing the pepino. This was a hilarious games everyone seem to have fun. after the long night we had to leave because we left angel with my cuñado.

On August 29 I had two events yay.. I had Gustavo's babies' birthday which i never got the address so i didn't go :( and Mimi's bachelor ed. Part II. We had a ladies night out at the Saddle Ranch(one of my favorite places) we all had dinner and well one of Mimi's friends bought all these penis accessories for Mimi. I was going to ride the bull but i was wearing a dress. So i got Mimi to ride and Ruthie. woo woo.. The night was long but we had fun, even if the fight at the bull broke everything off.


On Sunday i spent a lot of my time fixing my myspace posting pictures up and resting since i had been up and going this whole month. Very exciting month. I had lots to do, lots of fun and lots of pictures Yay!. I'm looking forward to next month.